Hot 7’s – Stay Hot :30

Some days, you’re hot. And some days… you’re really 🔥. The Maryland Lottery asked us to capture the energy of the Hot 7’s Scratch-Offs. Brace yourself for a spot that takes you from an ordinary day to an extraordinary one.

Cash Bash Rollercoaster :30

In 2023, the Maryland Lottery is celebrating it’s 50th Anniversary. Cash Bash Rollercoaster is a :30 TV spot that showcases the Cash Bash Promotion.

Home Run Riches – Home Runs :30

Winning a Home Run Riches Fast Play Game is like watching a Home Run soar over your head. There are different types of Home Run’s and there is more than one way to win a Fast Play game. The Home Run :30 spot captures the magic of both.

Marching Tickets

Marching Tickets is a commercial produced in late 2022 for the Maryland Lottery’s annual Holiday Scratch-Offs launch. A woman returns home with the family of Holiday Scratch-Offs. All of a sudden, the Scratch-Offs spring to life to spread holiday cheer throughout her home. The tickets fly around the house stashing themselves in envelopes and stockings. … Continue reading “Marching Tickets”


This spot, designed to promote the 2022 Ravens Scratch-Off from the Maryland Lottery, features play-by-play announcers in a retro, miniature electronic football game. The entire shoot was done on a macro level with the camera really “down in on the action” of the players. Winner of a 2023 Silver Addy award.

Boy Band

Winner of a 2023 Gold Addy in the “Social Media Campaign” category and a 2023 Silver Addy in the “TV Spot” category, Show Me “Boy Band” looks like a cheesy music video from your typical boy band of the 90’s and 2000’s.


This :30 second TV commercial, designed to promote the “Family Feud” Maryland Lottery Scratch-Offs, opens on a typical family gathered in their living room. They are all intently watching the game show on TV and family members frantically shout out answers as the tension builds.

Home Run Riches – Contestant of the Game

This hilarious series of :30 spots promotes the Maryland Lottery’s Fast Play “Home Run Riches” tickets.  Each spot queries a different person, asking “What if you were chosen the Home Run Riches contestant of the game?” Winner of a 2023 Silver Addy award in the Best TV Campaign category.


“GoVAX” encourages all Marylanders to protect themselves, their families and communities by getting vaccinated against COVID-19 when they become eligible.